by N. Richard Nash
Music by Harvey Schmidt
Lyrics by Tom Jones
The Palace Theatre
September 14 – 24, 2006
Jill g. Lockard-Bopp, Director
David Canaday, Music Director
Darcy Fuelling, Alisabeth Caraway; Choreographers
Bunny Feller, Assistant Director
Judy Trygstad, Orchestra Director
This production is sponsored by
Farmers’ Savings Bank and Trust
This Pit Band for 110 in the Shade is sponsored by
John’s Quik Stop
Lizzie Curry: Sheila Monson
H. C. Curry: Rick Maxwell
Noah Curry: Doug Martens
Jim Curry: Kevin Bookmeier
Sheriff File: Mark Hancock
Starbuck: Anthony Bopp
Snookie Updagraff: Alisabeth Caraway
Toby: Brian Larkin
Preacher: Ray Bookmeier
George: Rick Primmer
Hanna: Diane Maxwell
Belinda: Jarrica Spiedel
Wally: Trent McAtee
Mrs. Jensen: Linda Merritt
Staff / Crew
Rehearsal Accompanist: Julie Canaday
Properties / Costume Director: Suzy Westlund
Costume Construction: Barb Bookmeier, Ida Higgins, Suzanne Westlund, Cheri Reitsma
Make-up Director: Kathy Tranel
Lighting Director: Eric Upmeyer
Sound Recorder: Anthony Bopp
Lighting/Sound Board Operator: Bill Hawk
Stage Crew: Keith Bonar, Walter Westlund
Set Construction Director: Kevin Bookmeier
Set Construction Crew: Ray Bookmeier, Barb Bookmeier, Chelsea Clark, Jordan Yessak
Set Construction Cook: Michelle Bookmeier
Set Crew Stress Reliever: Matthew Bookmeier
Publicity Director: Sue Freet
Publicity Crew: Anthony Bopp, Matthew Lash
Poster Design: Anthony Bopp
110 in the Shade Webmaster: Anthony Bopp
Programs: Mary Horst
House Manager: Brenda Hackbarth
The Chorus
Diane Maxwell
Sherry Stout
Gina Lahue
Linda Merritt
Rachel Bonar
Brian Larkin
Ray Bookmeier
Bill Travis
Rick Primmer
Pam Primmer
Julie Canaday
Allie Canaday
Beth Canaday
Rachel Monson
Kaia Monson
Sydney Monson
Jane Martin
Jarrica Spiedel
Stephanie Lash
Jesse Bunge
Nick Stout
Aaron Mealhow
Trent McAtee
Jordan Yessak
Katie Hancock
The Band
Judy Trygstad
Judy Mitschelen
Barb Glime
David Law
Kelly Monahan
Aaron Pingenot
Jan Roth