ACT I Gems

Support live community theater! Become an ACT I Gem!

A great opportunity for businesses and individuals.

Help the Tradition Continue – Become an ACT I Gem

Please make checks payable to ACT I of Benton County
Forward your payment to:
ACT I of Benton County
PO Box 222
Vinton, IA 52349


Click here for benefits of sponsorship.

OUR 2015-2016 GEMS:

Edna Shain
Dave & Sue Gates
Jerry & Karon Ahrenstein
Don & Gwen Eells
Darlys Hulme
Dr. Brian & Linda Meeker
Mark Mossman
Joan Noeller
Rick & Pam Primmer
David & Sara Arnold
Dean & Nancy Beckman
Gary & Bonnie Beyer
Rich & Mary Jo Hainstock
Roger & Barb Beau
Jon & Julie Clingman
Roger & Dorothy Albert
Lynette & Orville Bakenhus
Kevin & Michelle Bookmeier
Tony Bopp
Robert & Betty Carlson
John & Pauline Elwick
Gilbert & Rose Hansen
Tyneal Herger
Carolyn Hibbs
Patricia Layton
Jim & Lisa Murray
Dawn Pettengill
Victor & Michelle Schmidt
Frank Van Steenhuyse
Keith & Rachel & Mary Kramer Bonar/Kramer
Phil Borleske
Phil & Halane Cummings
Bruce & Joyce Erickson
Keith & Kathy Ervin
Jessica Levy
Alan & Angie Nebola
Bret & Tina Nelson
John & Carol Noe
Dave & Lisa Vermedahl
Ross & Shirley Wiley
Lee Campbell
Judy Meyer
Melody & Curtis Spence
Leon & Mary Ann Whelchel