Encore! Encore! (2000)


A Variety Show
Presented September 28, 30 and October 1, 2000
The Palace Theatre, Vinton
Director: Mary Horst

In keeping with our Season of Theatre Classics theme, our variety show this year featured oldies but goodies in a collection of song, dance, comedy, story telling, with performers of all ages from around Benton County! Featured were some old, familiar faces along with the debuts of some fresh new talent!

Photographs by Mary Horst

Photos were displayed in the lobby of the Palace Theatre during the performances.

Exhibitors Included:

Steve Arnold, Beth Brittain, Mary Horst, Annie Horst, Lynn Huyck, Teresa Jessen, Christina Ludwik, Nicholas Ludwik, Matthew Ludwik, Bonnie Lueckenotto, Jim Magdefrau, Chloe Millward, Emily Thompson


Performers included:

Terin, Kayce, Marni, Ashley, and Cami Olson (vocalists and dancers)
Erin and Clare Horst (vocalists)
James Koren (drums)
Sara Zimmerman (vocalist)
Elise and Shoshannah Dickerson (piano/vocalists)
Becca Fisher, Curtis Lueckenotto, and Nathan Horst (pantomimists)
Kim Kelly, Susie Meyer, Deb Miller, Joyce Rublack, Lori Smith, Jeannie Springer, and Annette Williams (tap dancers)
Zandra Denison (vocalist)
Mary Horst (storyteller)
Kyle Miller (saxophonist)
Darran and Kordereau Sellers (comedy)
Brady, Brinkley, Brandis, and Bristian Gerber (lip syncing hula dancers)
David and Annie Horst (pianists)

Staff / Crew

Stage Manager: Jay Appleby
Graphic Design: Sara Zimmerman
House Manager: Julie Long
Box Office: Linda Radcliffe
Light and Sound Technicians: Matt Salger, Kevin Bookmeier
Stage Crew: Allen Lueckenotto, Dave Horst
Set Construction: Bonnie Lueckenotto