by Howard Teichmann
Presented September 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 1996
The Old Creamery Theatre, Garrison
Director: Faith Ann Brown
Technical Director: Mary Dee Phillips
Sponsored by the Cedar Valley Daily Times
Our run of The Girls in 509 would prove to be the final performances ever to be given in Garrison’s Old Creamery Theatre.
The play occurs in the sitting room of a suite, and in the hallway outside, of a not now fashionable hotel in New York City, with the action beginning in April, 1956.
Mimsy: Stacy Bruemmer
Aunt Hettie: Nancy Beckman
Old Jim: Darran Sellers
Ryan, of the Daily News: Dan Adix
Pusey: Greg Kilberger
Miss Freud: Linda Kane
Wintrop Allen: Jim Hilliard
Rosenthal: Amy Severtsgaard
Johnson: Kevin Bookmeier
Francis X. Nella: Jim Hilliard
Aubrey McKittridge: Austin Karr
Staff / Crew
Assistant Director / Stage Manager: Mary Dee Phillips
Technical Assistant: Matt Salger
Set Design: Mary Dee Phillips
Set Construction: Mary Dee Phillips, Kevin Bookmeier, Austin Karr, Matt Salger, Kurt Karr, Faith Brown
Lighting Design: Mary Dee Phillips
Stage Crew: Matt Salger, Dean Beckman, Erick Upmeyer, Patti Upmeyer, Beverly Adams-Bowers, Larry Adams-Bowers
Poster Design: Mary Dee Phillips
Publicity: Darran Sellers, Faith Brown
Box Office: Linda Radcliffe
House Manager: Lu Karr